
Monday, May 10, 2010

If I were President, I would...

If you were given a chance to be the President of the Republic of the Philippines, what would you do?  This is your chance to make your dream become a reality, feel like a President and express your thoughts!

If you are a kid or a kid at heart, and  have great dreams for your country, this is your time to be heard!

Join UNICEF Philippines'  “If I were President” campaign in celebration of the May 2010 National Elections. Just complete the sentence “If I were President, I would...”, draw your idea on a piece of paper and send your picture (max. file size: 1 MB) with your artwork/idea to

Be sure to write your name, age and location. The winner gets a real UNICEF field worker pack, a tour of the UNICEF Philippines office, and a courtesy call with UNICEF Philippines Representative Vanessa Tobin.

Send your entries until May 31, 2010. Let your voice be heard! Join now! UNICEF welcomes positive and encouraging ideas. =)

Here are some of the initial entries:

Nick, 8 years old from Mandaluyong
Angeli, 9 years old from Quezon City. 
Christian, 13 years old from Quezon City. 
Philip, 10 years old.

Denis, 14 years old from Caloocan City. 

Note: Information and photos courtesy of UNICEF Philippines.


  1. joime e. macapagalMay 12, 2010 at 2:36 PM

    a real tough job...needs a million times of HONEST thinking to be seemingly righteous! (",)

  2. ferdie this website is for kids only? my son is interested to post his

  3. Hi Joime! Indeed it is and this campaign would somehow help our next president get valuable insights. =)

  4. Hi Fritz! No, the campaign is open to all, both for kids and kids at heart. =) You or your son may send his photo with his drawing to Thanks and good luck! =)
