
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Jazzed up formula horror flick, no need for 3D -- Fright Night Movie Review

Potato On the Go:

Dangerous (but Cool) Vampire.  Hot Chick.  Underdog Hero.  Hilarious Sidekick.  Suspense Filled Screenplay.  And Tons of Audience Scream.  These are the reasons why the new Fright Night becomes a fun to watch movie!  =) 

From Columbia Pictures and distributed by Walt Disney Studios, Fright Night details the story of Charlie Brewster (Anton Yelchin), the newest popular kid in town dating the hottest girl (Imogen Poots) in school and how he crosses path with their strange new neighbor named Jerry (Collin Farrell).  Jerry seems to be the all around house guy until Charlie is led to a series of events that will reveal his neighbor's secret character.  Jerry is a vampire!

Fright Night uses the tried and tested formula of horror movies but the director's modern treatment was able to jazz up this 80s horror flick.  The sequence of events and how the suspense was built up made it another horror ride like movie experience!   And the bits of comedy and striking punchlines were able to lighten up the load of terror in store in the film.  This movie made us like a crazy bunch because as we hold our breath, get frightened and shout loud, you will also hear us laugh hard with the injected comic moments.

I think though that many female goers did not get frightened with Jerry as I hear some of them giggling while Collin Farrell is biting his victims, as if they want to be bitten too!  Haha.  He looks older now (Tomy Lee Jones look alike) but he still has the same charisma over his fans.

Male fans on the other hand were in awe with Imogen Poots and felt envious with Charlire Brewster, who I personally think must really work on his acting skills and give more life to his character.

It was really fun watching the movie but we somehow got distracted with the 3D effect of the film.  It's like the background is popping out of the screen, instead of the subject or the foreground.  But after the movie, I heard that some of the moviegoers turned over their glasses to achieve the right 3D effect.  And they said it was effective.  Well anyway, the good thing is I just learned that Walt Disney Studios is already talking to SM Cinema to correct the calibration of the 3D effect.  So I guess by the time the movie opens to the public, it will be okay already.  But anyway, I think watching it in 2D would not make any difference at all as the real selling factor of Fright Night is the actual movie itself!  =)

Aside from that, it could also have been better if Jerry's past was told visually so that the audience will be given a better understanding of the "rules" set in the story on dealing with the vampires.  It will also provide more meat to the story. 

From a scale of 1 to 10 claps, I'm giving Fright Night a 7 plus loud shouts!  =D  Fright Night opens in theaters on September 07!

By the way, let me thank Wave 89.1 and Jay G. for the invite to the premiere screening last September 05!  =) 

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