
Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Zipline to Courage!


At the start of the year, I crafted a personal battle cry.  And it's "New World in 2012".  It has been my practice to come up with such line for my personal goal setting for the coming year.  It started in 2008 with "2008 will be great", and then followed by "Shine in 2009", then "Golden 2010" and last year's "Get Even in 2011".  Here are links to articles in Tatak Digitista to give you some more backgrounder.

Anyway, true to that goal I set for the year, I'm bolder this time around, to conquer new worlds.  New world does not necessarily mean a new place.  It could also be a new experience which can be a world in itself.  And lucky enough, a couple of weeks ago, I hit a personal milestone for the year by doing something for the first time.

Guess what I just did?  I just tried doing the zipline in Tagaytay!  :)  I know some of you may react that it's not that difficult to do but folks, each person has a different body chemistry and psyche, and what may be easy for one may be difficult for another person and vice versa.  At first, I was quite hesitant to do it (and I just want to ride the cable car.  It was not my first time though since I've already tried it in Sentosa, Singapore.).  Why?  Well, perhaps because of fear that I don't know how my body will react to heights (since I had a not so good experience last time) and how my friends will respond since I feel am not that fit to do the zipline.

So what I did is try the cable car first.  And I liked it!  Right then, I told myself that I will try this (zipline), I feel confident that I can do the activity and I won't care anymore about how the rest will react.  I just felt that I can easily do it, no fear nor doubts at all.  I want to do that for myself, to achieve a goal, to overcome fear, to try something different -- to experience a new world.  Good thing though that my friends and the staff of Residence Inn (where the zipline is) were very supportive and encouraging.

And with that in mind and in heart, I finally tried the zipline.  And the rest, as they say, is history!  :)  And as I wave, look and smile at my friends taking photos of me, I know they're just happy for me and proud of what I just did.

And what's the treasure I found here?  It's the courage to conquer fear, whether physical, mental or social and the enthusiasm to try new things.  I needed courage to do the challenge but it's the same treasure that was enriched right after I fulfilled the task.  Now, I feel like doing more of such kind -- challenging myself to conquer new worlds.  Life is short, we cannot live in fear.  We should live life to the fullest!

And with that, Treasure Find 10 is found and verified!  :)

Note: Thank you to Alex Dizon of the Recycle Bin of a Middle Child for the wonderful photos!  :)

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