
Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Big Jump! (Da Best sa Batanes part 2)


In exploring life and the endless possibilities wrapped around it, I would like to believe I am adventurous, brave and daring enough.  Well, not on all aspects hehe.  Though I think I am such, there are things I don't do because I feel uncomfortable doing or I think I don't want the public to see me in such an awkward way.  Let's say, I won't dance in front of many people (unless am with friends and people I'm comfortable with) or dress up in a very eccentric way. 

But during my recent trip to Batanes (you may read Da Best Sa Batanes part 1 here), there was one thing I did which I was hesitant to do in the past.  It's doing the jump shot!  :)  During our trip to the Marlboro Hills, when we were scheduled to do the jumpology, I just took my inhibitions away and did the BIG JUMP!  :)

And as you can see, if I did not let go and held on to my restrictions then I would have not enjoyed the moment and have this kind of awesome and unforgettable shot!  :)  I guess this is Treasure Find 19, dropping the doubt, seizing the moment and enjoying life!  :)

Thanks to Imelda Acidera of etceteraetcetera for taking this photo.  :)

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