
Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Bigger Titanic Returns in Theaters -- Notes on TITANIC 3D


You read the title right.  This time, I'm not writing a review but am sharing with you my thoughts and notes on the recent movie I watched.  This is the return of the box-office and award winning epic movie of James Cameron TITANIC but this time in 3D.  So, why not write a review?  I bet most of you, if not all, have seen this gigantic movie already in the past and I think a movie  review will not be necessary.  And with that, you would probably ask, why watch it again in theater?

Well I have 5 points to share why you should watch TITANIC 3D again in cinema. 

1. It's in 3D.  With a gigantic movie like Titanic, the magic of its special visual effects and production design is magnified.

2. This week, April 6 to be exact, marks the 100th Anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.  And there's no better way to commemorate that than to watch the biggest movie adaptation on the said ship.

3. There's no doubt every movie fan should own a video of TITANIC.  But nothing beats the experience watching it inside the cinema.  The ship, the ocean, the action, they just look magical inside the theater.

4. Titanic brings back good memories.  For me, Titanic was screened when I was in college and it really made a mark in our lives during that time.  So watching it again on the big screen gives a nostalgic feeling!

5. My Heart Will Go On.  The theme song is just as big and as memorable as the movie.  Wouldn't you want to hear this powerful song move you again while watching Titanic inside the theater? 

Titanic is not originally made for 3D so expect a few scenes that you wouldn't feel the power of 3D.  But nevertheless this technological advancement made Titanic much bigger and more stunning.  

From 20th Century Fox and released by Warner Bros., TITANIC 3D opens in theaters today, April 7. 

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