
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Support the UP Diliman Students Finalists in Indra Future Minds, an International Competition


The University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman will represent the Philippines in the final phase of the second edition of Indra Future Minds, an international university competition, sponsored by Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading multinational in Europe and Latin America.

Winners of the competition shall be given the opportunity to join Indra in the subsidiary of the country of the student’s choice upon completion of the student’s degree, with a travel allowance every month for one year. The UP Diliman team consists of Erwin L. Soleta, taking up Bachelors of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering (BS ECE), Maria Katrina E. Volante, also a BS ECE student, and Benedict Ivan A. Andrade, taking up Bachelors of Science in Industrial Engineering.

In photo are (from left): Benedict Andrade, Maria Katrina Volante and Ivan Andrade

Indra Future Minds started with a virtual phase last February 15, 2012, ending last March 15, 2012. During this period, two teams of different countries worked together using an online platform to come up with a proposal for the challenge assigned to them, and a video showcasing their proposal.

The teams have to solve different challenges based on real projects of Indra, for example, the design of a cloud computing solution, the design of a simulator to optimise water management, or a project involving unmanned vehicles (UAVs).

The UP Diliman team teamed up with students from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) – Telecos of Spain, under the team name AEOLUS.Their teamwas assigned to work on a project for the implementation of the UAV Pelicano, the unmanned aircraft system being developed by Indra. The two universities worked together to propose an innovative solution for an automatic landing system for the unmanned aircraft.

Two groups (four university teams in total) were then chosen to compete during the final phase.Together with UP Diliman and UPM Telecos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) – Industriales (from Spain) and Facultade de Tecnologia de Sao Paulo from Brazil were chosen to compete in the finals phase to be held in Madrid, from April 26-27, 2012. Indra will sponsor travel and lodging expenses, with each student in the finals receiving an iPad as well.

The chosen groups will compete on site and will be organised into their original university teams. They will again have to solve challenges related to Indra’s projects.The team with the best solution will be chosen by a panel of judges as the winner of the competition.

The videos produced during the first phase are now uploaded in Indra's website. Viewers of the uploaded videos can then vote for their favorite teams or preferred solutions. The voting period will last up to April 25, 2012. The team with the video having the most numbered of votes will receive a special prize.

You may vote for the video of the UP Diliman team (under Team AEOLUS) in this link: All you need is a valid email address to submit a vote.

Talent management in Indra 

As a technology, innovative and global company, Indra seeks to offer students an international experience using virtual tools. For Indra to attract, retain and manage the talentand diversity are key elements to innovation and sustainability and therefore a strategic priority. The company maintains relations with around 150 universities and research centres mainly through Chairs, agreements and R&D+i projects in order to attract professionals and gain access to new technologies to become an international benchmark in terms of enterprise-university technology transfer. Indra's good practices regarding talent management have helped the company to become one of the leading companies in sustainability worldwide. The company appeared listed for the sixth consecutive year in the Dow Jones sustainability index.


Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with over € 500 M during the last three years. In 2011 revenues reached € 2.67B and the international market already accounts for 50% of the revenues. The company employs more than 36,000 professionals and has clients in more than 118 countries.

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