
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Treasure Find 21 -- Breathtaking Batanes (Da Best Sa Batanes part 3)


Breathtaking.  That's Batanes in one word.  It's been more than a month but I can still smell the cool fresh breeze, see the magnificent view and feel the heavenly blessing at the islands of Batan and Sabtang.  

Vulugan Boulder Beach

On our first day, right after the going through the Japanese tunnel and seeing the sea of hills surrounding the historical spot, we went to the Valugan Boulder Beach.  Instead of sand, the beach is covered with large stones.   Yup it's not the usual sea side we go through but seeing this is something I will cherish for a long time, if not for eternity.  It's just so marvelous!  It's like the photos / images we see in spiritual and inspirational books.

Click here to read full story > Treasure Find 21 -- Breathtaking Batanes (Da Best Sa Batanes part 3)

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