
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Recent Movie Trailers That Caught TaDi's Attention


For movie lovers, going to theater to watch our most awaited film is a both a momentous event and a religiously lived culture.  But sometimes, aside from the movie that hooked us to getting into the cinema, there's something else that we look forward to.  Well, besides our movie date as well!  :D  Sometimes, we look forward to the movie trailers of upcoming movies to watch out for!  For me, I get excited to see them while I take a bite of my favorite cheeseburger and sip a cold cola!  :D  My movie night won't be complete without seeing the line-up of upcoming movies!  Do you feel the same way?  :)

A few months ago, there are three movie trailers that caught TaDi's attention and actually lined them up in my screening calendar!
First if The Hobbit!  As a fan of the LOTR series, there's no doubt why I get excited on this movie.   But seeing the suspense well played in the movie trailer made me even more eager to seeing the film, hopefully this December!

Then while at the premiere of American Pie Reunion, I witnessed the new and upcoming movie version of Les Miserables!  And instantly, I was in awe and speechless seeing this definite masterpiece.  The dramatic scenes matched with a majestic musical scoring just nailed it!

Lastly, at the premiere of GMA Films' Just One Summer, I finally saw the movie trailer of Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles! I was impressed, I got excited and I felt proud seeing the film's full trailer.  My instant impression, Tiktik was kick-ass, ultra modern, and can match up Hollywood!  Aside from that, I appreciate that they work on Filipino folklore and capitalize on our brown flavor!

The Hobbit and Les Miserables are opening this December, hopefully in the Philippines as well before the Metro Manila Film Fest while Tiktik will premiere on October 17.  I will definitely in theater for these movies!  :)

And that's the TaDi way, have a nice movie day!  :)

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