
Friday, November 1, 2013

Join the Electrolux #WearYourPassion Bloggers Promo Contest!


Electrolux Philippines has recently launched the #WearYourPassion OOTD Photo Contest in Instagram. To know more about it, just click this

But if you're a blogger, there's another chance to win more exciting prizes!  How?  'By simply joining the #WearYourPassion Bloggers Promo Contest.  All you have to do is to promote the contest and ask your followers to put you as the referring blogger.

Here's the full details of the mechanics:

1. The WYP Blogger Promo contest mechanics is open to all bloggers of legal age residing in the Philippines.

2. To join, participants should promote the Wear Your Passions Instagram contest through their social networking accounts (Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). They will ask their readers or followers to join the said contest.

3. Participants should ask their readers or followers to type “c/o” and tag their IG accounts and their full names (e.g. c/o @tatak_digitista #FerdieBondoy) when they join the contest.

4. The most number of referrals will win the contest.

5. Top three participants will receive the following:

  • 3rd place: Induction Cooker 
  • 2nd place: Blender 
  • 1st place: Front Load Washing Machine 
Note: To qualify for the 1st prize, the participant should have at least 100 referrals.

6. WYP Blogger Promo contest period is from November 01 to December 31.

So what are you waiting for?  Join now! :)

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