
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Barasoain Church's procession for faith and tradition

Bayanihan Republic:

Next in the Holy Week tradition that I revisited is the Good Friday procession of the Way of the Cross.  The procession features life size replicas of biblical characters and scenes depicted in the Passion of Jesus Christ.

At Barasoain Church in Malolos, Bulacan, the activity usually starts at around 5 or 6 PM but we managed to enter the patio right before the procession so we could have a better look at the sacred figures. =)  Here are some of the shots I have taken.

Barasoain Church may be an icon in Philippine History but first and foremost, it is a home to centuries old Filipino Catholic tradition.

 Santa Veronica approaching Jesus

Mater Dolorosa

Jesus and the women from Jerusalem

Jesus' entry to Jerusalem

Santa Maria de Cleophas

Jesus' carrying of the cross

at the calvary

Santa Maria de Bethania

Jesus and Mother Mary

The Samaritan Woman and Jesus.  
The caretaker of the replicas said that the owner, Francisco Rivera and family, has been joining the procession since it started.  He candidly shared that we could count at around 100 years of involvement by the family.

Jesus' trial

Scourging of Jesus Christ

Santa Veronica

inside the historic Barasoain Church

Mass goers offer prayers by lighting candles

The Good Friday procession has been part of the tradition of Filipino Catholics for years not to be a visual treat or entertainment but to be a help for the faithfuls' reflection and prayers.  For those who haven't experienced this, I encourage you to witness it next year and see for yourself how it brings life and color to our faith and culture.

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