
Friday, January 6, 2012

Nirvana in Crustasia -- Enjoying Asia's Best Crab Dishes in Manila


We Filipinos love eating crabs!  Sometimes, it defines how Pinoys we are on how we eat them.  There's no really science behind it but I believe you'll agree with me that there's a certain technique in eating it right?  And if one seems to be doing it the wrong way, he or she may hear this line: "Hindi ka marunong kumain ng alimasag / alimango"  (You don't know the proper way to eat crab).  And as a Pinoy, that's a shame!  Haha.  That's why eating crabs in restos and hotels is very much challenging for me (and reserve eating it at home), sometimes to avoid the hassle, I would order something else.

Well not this time around!  I was proven wrong when I was recently invited to a resto in Power Plant Mall   called Crustacia Asian Bistro.  Crustasia Asian Bistro specializes in crab dishes and other authentic Asian seafood cuisine. 

This time, eating crabs is as easy as counting 1 2 3.  They just made it too customer friendly!  Right before the dishes are served, there are green apron like wear that we can use to avoid stains from the food that we eat.  Then there are crab crackers that we can use to dig down the crab meat and savor its taste.  Then if it's really too challenging to break the shells, we can ask the waiter to do it for us.  :)  That's what I can say as Crabbing 101!  :)

in green wear are foydi and Barbie Floresca of The Original Mommy Writes Since 2003

Crab Cracker

And with that set, I was more than ready to eat these crabs!  But first of course is the appetizer!  This shrimp cake indeed served its role!  It tastes like a soothing version of omelet. 

Shrimp Cake

For the main dish, first served is the Black Peppered Crab.  And we were surprised to see how big this crab is!  It is as big as a dining plate and in fact, all the crabs served are that huge!  This one is mouth watering and the strong pepper flavor blends well with the meat. 

Black Peppered Crab

Alongside the Black Peppered Crab, Sriracha Crab was also served.  This one is cooked in Thai spicy chili sauce.  So for those who like it hot, this one is just right for you!

Sriracha Crab

And then I was happy to know that there's Singaporean Chili Crab in the menu!  This has been my favorite since I first visited Singapore.  And good thing to know that Crustacia captured its authentic taste that made me fell in love with this dish.  Now, I know where to get it here in Manila.  I'll definitely come back for this. 

Singaporean Chili Crab
But now, another dish has caught my attention.  This is the Salted Duck Crab!  This one is cooked deep fried and coated with mixed salted egg.  Oh my, this just tastes so heavenly!  The coat is creamy and the saltiness is just so rightly done.  This is my newest favorite crab dish, alongside Singaporean Chili Crab of course hehe.

Salted Duck Crab

The look of this dish made me curious.  I even stood up to get a closer look of this.  This dish is called the Typhoon Shelter Crab!  Originating from Hong Kong, this dish is commonly cooked by fishermen who can't sail the seas because of the stormy weather.  The ingredients put are what fishermen have in their surrounding since they cannot go elsewhere.  As to taste, this one is another delicious treat!  The crumbs equal the superb taste of the crab meat.  For Pinoys, I think this will be perfectly served with beer!  :)

Typhoon Shelter Crab

Lastly, I tried the Chang Boun Thai Curry Crab.  For those who are so in to curry flavors, this Thai's version is something you should try out as well. 

Chang Boun Thai Curry Crab

As we enjoyed eating the crabs with our hands, we delegated Lolo Myke of Mix of Everything to be the bloggers' official photographer.  :)  Thanks Lo! 

Crustacia's Executive Chef Peter Ayson shared with us that they carefully selected these crab dishes from different Asian countries.  In fact, his culinary team is composed of  chefs and cooks of different nationalities but of the same talent and love in preparing crab dishes.  I even remarked, "Oh, so you're just like The Kitchen Musical!".  And Peter laughed but agreed to what I said.  :)  I just could imagine the fun and pressure inside the kitchen with them around.  But the good thing is, their combination brings out the best Asian crab dishes in town! 

Crustasia Executive Chef Peter Ayson

Crustasia's Leo Vergara presenting their international culinary team

Crustasia's Xchosa Kay Tanagas-Daniega with DJ Jannena Chan

Crustacia's PR Team Xchosa Kay Taganas-Daniega and Leo Vergara said that the crabs served in Crustasia are of export quality.  The crabs are sourced locally, most of which are from the Philippines' seafood capital Capiz.  And in Crustasia, they want Filipinos to enjoy our own delicacies too.  They made sure Filipinos and everyone in Manila can can have a taste of this delicious seafood cuisine right here in the Metro.

Dining in Crustasia is such a wonderful gastronomic experience, a nirvana indeed!  In one sitting, I was able to enjoy the different and delicious crab flavors of Asia!  :)  So if you want to experience Crabbing 101 and taste the authentic Asian crab dishes I just shared with you, then try Crustasia Asian Bistro in Power Plant Mall!

Price of a crab dish is around PhP 120 on 700 grams to 999 grams.  For 1000 gram serving, it's at PhP 135 for male crab and PhP 145 for female.  Crustasia is located the ground floor of Power Plant Mall, Rockwell Drive, Makati City.  For reservations, you may call (63 2) 728-5463.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog post. I love Crustasia! I love their Singaporean Chili Crab!
