“Foosball: The Unbeatables” is a highly-unique animated movie for all the family by Academy Award winner Juan José Campanella and supervised by animation expert Sergio Pablos who also supervised hit animation movies such as “Rio” and “Despicable Me “.
In “Foosball,” an unlikely hero - Amadeo (voiced by Rupert Grint) lives in a small and anonymous village who works at a bar and plays foosball better than anyone. He is also in love with Laura, his childhood friend though she does not know it. His simple routine comes crumbling down when Ace, a young man from the village that became the world’s best football player, comes back willing to have his revenge for the only defeat he ever suffered. With his foosball table, hi s bar and even his table destroyed, Amadeo discovers something magical: the players of his beloved foosball table came to life! Together, as a team they embark on a journey full of adventure to save their village.